Thursday, 30 January 2014

I fell over!

Unfortunately for you guys reading, there are no funny photos of me falling over. However there is a story to go with it, which my girlfriend is still laughing about and it's been about two weeks since I did it!
 We went to Lyme Park a couple of weeks back to have another look around as we really liked it the first time we went (see my blog about it here). This time however we were less prepared and in fact the place was shut, so we could only wander round the land that it was in. Luckily, this little prison house was only a short walk away so we trekked on over to go have a look. 
On the way back it was a steep downwards bank to get back to the car, and as you can tell from the photos, the weather wasn't pretty and it had been raining for quite a while. Not having the right footwear at all, we waddled our way back down the hill until it got to an extremely steep bit. Being the gentleman that I am, I went first (after Hana made me) and thought the best course of action was to run down it to get it over and done with. It turns out this was not a good idea and I went completely horizontal before sliding to the bottom of the hill, camera still in hand! Luckily for me nothing was broken, all I had was a sore wrist and a bruised ego. Hana decided that she wasn't going to go down this way, which had been her suggestion in the first place, and took the much safer longer route round, whilst I waited soaked in mud. Nevermind!

Here are some of the photos from the day!

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
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Monday, 27 January 2014

Build your own camera!

I don't really have much time to blog tonight, as I am supposed to be revising for my LAST EXAM EVER tomorrow! However I thought I would post this cool little thing, for any of you out there who enjoy stuff like this, as I know I do!

With this little kit, you can build your own SLR camera in a couple hours, how awesome!

Anyway check it out for yourself here:

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Bradgate Silhouettes

This post was supposed to be all about silhouettes (as you can tell from the title), which is what I set out to shoot on my little adventure in Bradgate Park but if you read on you'll see why that is not strictly true. If you haven't seen what I have been doing in Bradgate Park then what is wrong with you! It's been my last 4 posts! But I'll forgive you, and be extra nice by giving you the links to them here:

Anyway, as I was saying, I set out to capture some silhouettes when the sun was setting. I have never really done this so it was really experimental. When I was out and about I was surprised by how good the silhouettes seemed to look, it was only until I got home and plugged my SD card in that I saw that they wern't perfect silhouettes as some details and colours of the foreground were still showing. However, for a first try they aren't so bad!

1. Greg as the sun set - This is probably my favourite photo I have ever taken, I am really proud of it!
2. A funky tree
3. A bench in the distance
4. Rex at a distance
5. Hillside and the monument
6. Greg in a field

Have you had any luck taking silhouette photos?

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
 photo giveaway_zpsafcde469.jpg

Dear Harper

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Bradgate Sunsets

Prepare yourself for a post full of extremely similar images, however I just couldn't pick my favourite of the bunch and it's getting late so I can't be bothered either!

Sunsets are great images to capture, and during the winter, if you are a student like me, they come mid afternoon and so it's a great time after you have just got out of bed to go for a walk and shoot some of these! 

Here are some images of the sunset, taken whilst at Bradgate park, which most of you will have seen bits of from my previous posts. You can find them here:


Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
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Sunday, 19 January 2014

The moon

There's something about seeing the moon in the daytime that's pretty special. Obviously at winter its possible quite often, but it's not often that the sky is clear enough to see it in all it's glory, and with a brilliant blue sky it looks great. Here are my favourite moon shots I took whilst on my adventure at Bradgate Park.

Both photos are pretty similar, just the location of the moon within the frame changes and obviously the scenery at the bottom, but I couldn't pick my favourite of the two. Taken just as dusk was arriving.

Which one is your favourite?

 Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
 photo giveaway_zpsafcde469.jpg

Friday, 17 January 2014

Dear oh deer!

Whilst at Bradgate Park, which I mentioned in my last post (Bradgate Park), we saw some deer! My buddy Rex saw them first in their own little walled off area. So we crept up to snap them, however as I only have a short lens I just could not get close enough to take any good pictures, which you can see in the second picture down! boo! 
We did however see some more deer whilst we were walking, and these were loose! So we crept up, like you see in the movies, from a long way away. As we did so, we saw a couple walking along who were going to walk right past them and we were sure that we would scare them! It turns out that these deer are actually quite used to people coming pretty close so they walked past them with no problem! This then lead to us creeping closer and closer and finally ending up with the photos you can see here! You can see the closer we got by looking at them in order, which is 3rd, 4th, 5th and finally the 1st one, as this was my favourite photo so I wanted it to be on top! Further up the pathway we saw a couple deer heading off over the hill which produced the final little photograph.
Deer are pretty majestic animals, and I have never seen any, that I can remember, in the flesh before so I was really lucky to get these snaps. Hopefully for my birthday next month I am going to get a new zoom lens so next time I see them I should have more of a chance of getting some great shots!

p.s. I hope you have finally stopped laughing at my hilarious post title, I seem to have a thing for hilariously awful titles!

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Bradgate Park

Bradgate Park is a little place near Loughborough which me and my friends, Rex and Greg, decided to go to one day, and obviously we all took our cameras! After the little drive over, and parking on the road to avoid paying the parking charge (we are students after all) we set off on our walk! Bradgate Park is a marshland type place, which we soon discovered when it seeped through the bottom of our shoes, but the thing we were most excited for was the deer park. So we set off looking for deer, finding different things on the way which captured my interest.
This is the first of FIVE, yes five!, instalments from Bradgate Park, so keep your eyes peeled over the next week or so! I will link them all here too, when I post them.

These are the detailed shots I took whilst we were out and about:

1. A stone with a vein of moss running through it.
2. Branches of a tree, with Greg behind climbing it!
3. The tip of a rock.
4. Greg's shoes as the sun set.
5. The wall with Greg in the background.
6. Not so much a detail shot, but I had no other post to put it on! A tree with smoke billowing out of a chimney in the background.

Very Greg-filled!

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
 photo giveaway_zpsafcde469.jpg

Dear Harper