Friday, 6 December 2013

Macro at Home 3

This is definitely getting a LOT harder the more I do, and I'm only on number 3! There's only so much stuff you can have in one house that will make a good photo! Soon I will be home for christmas though so I can have a go round there to at least give me some more time before the next lot here! I've actually started making lists of things I could potentially shoot to make sure I don't forget any if I get some inspiration!

If you haven't seen my other Macro at Home posts then check them out here:
Macro at Home
Macro at Home 2

So, here are this weeks installments!

1. My headphones. Yes they're pink inside.
2. Beeeerrrr. I've wanted to take this photo for quite a while now. I even cut open the box to have all the tops exposed. This however took me too long to take so I have drunk half of them already. oops. Plus I like the grainy-ness to it.
3. I have a £1 Christmas tree in my room. It's crappy and awful but it was a pound!
4. I know it's not halloween anymore, but my little ghost candle holders are still out as I have nowhere to put them!
5. More alcohol?! But seen as I will be drinking this tonight I thought it should be taken.
5. Tennis balls. Been sat on my shelf too long so they got a little outing to the floor before being returned to the shelf.

This has been shared at:
Dear Harper

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
 photo giveaway_zpsafcde469.jpg


  1. Love these photos!

  2. Great photos and glad I found your blog via the link-up! Good to have a male perspective! haha

    1. Ah I do love the link up! And I know, I'm struggling to find other men on here!


  3. The tree is my favorite one!

  4. Love the texture on those tennis balls :) And I never would have guessed that those were earphones! Thanks for linking up with photography friday again :)

    1. thanks! it was actually harder than I expected to shoot, but they came out pretty good!
