Friday, 7 February 2014

Tatton park details

As mentioned in my last post, I went to Tatton Park recently. You can see all the details of that trip on my last post - Tatton Park.
Going to be a quick post today as I'm a little busy but here they are:

1. Flowers
2. Bristly buds
3. Leaves
4. Tractor name
5. Dead leaves
6. more leaves
7. Lichen
8. Flower
9. Bamboo
10. Vine
11. Last leaves

Don't forget to enter my competition where you can win one of these for yourself!
 photo giveaway_zpsafcde469.jpg

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Dear Harper


  1. Cool shots! What lens did you take these with?

    1. Thanks! Took them with my 14-42mm telephoto. Not bad seeing as it is the standard kit lens!

  2. Love all of these! Can't believe some parts of the world actually have green things in the middle of winter....Canada is so depressing! haha.

    1. the majority of England is still pretty bleak, but I suppose it isn't cold enough really for snow and so our green still lasts. Plus these gardens were so well kept, there were beautiful flowers everywhere!

  3. These are pretty pictures. I love them. :)

    Jes | Naturally Jes
