Friday 14 March 2014

Loughborough Centre Park

As I was walking through the park to go to the cinema whilst Hana was visiting, I took my camera along to take some snaps. It turned out that we were actually in quite a hurry so I only got to take a few pictures! Hopefully I will go back soon and take some proper snaps!

Here are three I took whilst there:

1. A duck
2. Plant pots
3. Top of a tower

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  1. My toddler loves watching wildlife. He hasn't seen many ducks though (well, compared to the turkeys and deer that traverse our yard almost daily). Thanks for sharing these images from your walk in the park!

    1. So cool to get deer in your yard! I'd never stop photographing them!

  2. That duck is so pretty! And the copper roof on that building is just incredible. I love the way it goes green!

  3. Thanks! I do love the way the green on the duck shines! Yeah they are pretty cool!
